April 23, 2021 8:31 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
As the summer months approach, the temperatures are going to rise. There are plenty of ways for you to keep your house cool. By following a few tips, you can enjoy cooler temperatures without spending a fortune on AC bills. Adjust Ceiling Fans Your ceiling fans can be adjusted to move the air toward you or away from you. While you might like to feel the air on you while you sleep, reverse the direction to counterclockwise during the day. It moves the warmth away from the room, reducing the temperatures at the same time. Turn on Exhaust Fans It’s... View Article
August 31, 2020 6:49 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
How Evaporative Coolers Use Energy An evaporative cooler system uses the process of evaporating water into the air. This works very effectively in low-humidity areas. This can be a very energy-efficient way of cooling a space. These systems are sometimes referred to as swamp coolers. This system works by cooling outdoor airflow that passes over water-saturated pads. The water is then evaporated. Once it has passed through, the air is 15-40 degrees cooler and can be directed into the space being cooled. As the cooler airflow is being pushed into space, warmer air is then pushed out through windows. When... View Article
April 2, 2019 12:21 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Even if your home has a traditional furnace and AC system for heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ, it doesn’t mean you can’t save money while you stay cool this summer. Taking a second look at a swamp cooler can yield potential savings you didn’t think possible! All you need to do is look beyond the purchase price of a swamp cooler and more at the monthly efficiency figures. It’ll quickly become clear that a swamp cooler is a great investment well worth making. Five Money-Saving Factors Based on Arizona’s dry heat, swamp coolers represent a smart way to get... View Article
August 1, 2018 11:28 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
As a homeowner or commercial building owner, you know the importance of indoor comfort. Is your indoor temperature out of control? Here are some tips for picking the right company for your heating and cooling needs in Phoenix, AZ: Recommendations: When you decide that it’s time to replace that old evaporative cooler in your home or business, don’t just hire the first company you come across online. Reach out to people you know—especially those with good judgment—on social media, in your neighborhood and at work for cooling and heating company recommendations. If the installation is for your business building, ask... View Article
September 16, 2017 1:56 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
No matter what time of year it is, it’s important that you take care of your home’s heating and cooling systems in order to ensure that you are able to maintain a comfortable environment regardless of what the forecast has in store. Even though there are steps that you can take to maintain and service your home’s heating and cooling systems, you won’t be able to take on every aspect of service on your own. Whether it’s for an inspection or a complete system replacement, you will likely need services from a company that specializes in heating and cooling in... View Article