July 18, 2017 10:24 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ are central to your quality of life each and every day, year-round. During the dry, scorching summer months, you need your AC or swamp cooler to be functioning at its highest capacity; in winter, you expect your furnace or heat pump to keep you snug. When these systems fall short of expectations, maintaining and repairing them falls on the shoulders of your HVAC technician. Choosing a good HVAC professional to service the system of your home or business is critical because it directly affects how efficient these systems are. A poor level of service... View Article
May 19, 2017 10:30 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Comfort is something a lot of people seek. When they are at work, enjoying dinner at a restaurant or relaxing at home, it is important for them to be able to feel at ease. Getting comfortable may be difficult when you are in public, but when you are at home, it shouldn’t be a problem, unless there is something wrong with your heating and cooling. Here’s how problems with your heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ can affect your comfort: Noise: One of the many ways to tell if you are having problems with your heating and cooling is the... View Article
April 19, 2017 9:48 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
The thermostat outside reads an even 90 degrees, but you and your family don’t notice because you’ve been comfortably locked away indoors with your air conditioner running full blast for several days now. But suddenly, without warning, your unit stops. As your home gradually gets hotter, you call in the experts, but you soon learn that your heating and cooling unit needs some pretty expensive repairs and, what’s worse, repairs that could have been easily avoided. The heating and cooling system is one of those things inside our homes that we don’t really think too much about until it’s not... View Article
January 18, 2017 3:08 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
When you think about it, there is a lot of energy being used in your home for various things on a daily basis. You watch TV, cook and even complete a few cleaning tasks, like running the dishwasher, that use energy. Whether you are trying to keep warm or cool down, you depend on your heating and cooling system to get the job done, which also uses energy. Sure, your system seems to be working fine, but if it is not running efficiently, this is a problem. If you have been wondering why efficiency is important when it comes to... View Article
November 1, 2016 9:57 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
There may be a time when you find your household without a working heating and cooling system. Maybe the system is old or was damaged beyond repair. Whatever the reason, you are going to need to come up with some creative ways to keep cool or warm during the time it’s going to take for a technician to install new equipment for your home’s heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ. Here are some simple suggestions to help maximize your indoor comfort. If the weather is cold… Use the fireplace: Fall and winter call for tossing a log on the fireplace.... View Article