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Why Buy a Portable Evaporative Cooler

October 20, 2015 5:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Even if you’re just becoming familiar with the benefits of evaporative cooling systems, then you likely already know that they are effective, affordable, efficient, versatile and highly customizable. But what you might not yet know is that evaporative coolers are also often portable, meaning that they bring convenience and comfort to a whole new level. If you are curious about investing in a portable evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ, you likely have some questions about how and when you would use it. To help make your decision easier, here’s a quick list of the potential benefits of having a portable... View Article

Now Is the Time to Invest in an Evaporative Cooler

October 5, 2015 5:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your home or business likely relies on several different machines to get it through your employees’ or families’ daily routines, and a cooling unit is just one of those machines. Here at Premier Industries, Inc., we know that choosing to upgrade any of those appliances is a big financial and logistical undertaking, and you might be wondering whether it is even really worth it. One upgrade that definitely will pay off, however, is choosing to purchase a new evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ. Here are five reasons why you should consider evaporative cooling for your home or business: Beat the... View Article