December 20, 2021 10:00 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative coolers work differently than traditional HVAC systems. When you want to cool the air in your home or business without dramatically increasing the energy bill, it’s important to look at energy efficiency. Are evaporative coolers energy efficient? Absolutely, and we’ll show you why that is based on the system you buy and the evaporative process that takes place. Why Evaporative Coolers are Energy Efficient Evaporative coolers, often known as swamp coolers, are energy efficient because of the way in which they were designed to cool the air. They use the evaporative process and work in very specific environments –... View Article
December 13, 2021 10:00 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Cool environments are important. It adds not only comfort but also productivity. If you’re inviting customers or patients into a space, you need to make sure that the space is cool enough that they can enjoy the time that they are at your location. Evaporative coolers are capable of offering an energy-efficient solution. There’s just one question: how cold do evaporative coolers get? There are a few considerations in order to provide the best answer. Starting Temperature In most instances, you have to consider what the starting temperature is in the area you’re looking to cool down. When the temperature... View Article
November 17, 2021 10:00 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative coolers, commonly referred to as swamp coolers, have the ability to produce cooler temperatures and add to the humidity in the air. Knowing how they work is critical so that they run as efficiently as possible. This brings up a very important question: Do you need to open windows for evaporative cooling to work properly? The answer is dependent on how you plan to adjust the airflow and what type of location you are using the cooler in. Adjust Air Flow There are a few ways in which you can adjust the airflow. However, there is a basic concept... View Article
June 16, 2021 5:40 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative air coolers, commonly referred to as swamp coolers, are affected by humidity. It’s why they’re so popular in dry parts of the country such as Arizona and Texas. When you use evaporative swamp cooling in an area where there is already a lot of moisture (or your system is overproducing humidity), it’s important to understand the overall effects. Will An Evaporative Cooler Work In High Humidity? Swamp coolers are designed to compensate for low humidity levels in the air. As such, when there’s less humidity in the air, they can cool the air by more degrees. As an example,... View Article
April 23, 2021 8:31 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
As the summer months approach, the temperatures are going to rise. There are plenty of ways for you to keep your house cool. By following a few tips, you can enjoy cooler temperatures without spending a fortune on AC bills. Adjust Ceiling Fans Your ceiling fans can be adjusted to move the air toward you or away from you. While you might like to feel the air on you while you sleep, reverse the direction to counterclockwise during the day. It moves the warmth away from the room, reducing the temperatures at the same time. Turn on Exhaust Fans It’s... View Article