June 15, 2016 2:50 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
If this is the year you’re finally going to have to undertake an AC replacement for your home, take a moment to consider your options before just picking something out of a catalog lineup. More specifically, consider evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ instead of just replacing your broken down AC unit with another one like it. What makes evaporative cooling an option that you should consider? Take a look at ten factors that are starting to make more people switch over to this cooling method when it comes time to make a meaningful upgrade to their home: Economical: The overall... View Article
June 1, 2016 2:49 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
If you’re living in a home that doesn’t have central air, there’s a good chance you’re spending a lot of time in whichever room has the window-mounted AC unit during the hot and humid summer months. But being confined to the rooms of your home with window coolers is no way to live! There has to be a better way to enjoy cooler temperatures in your home, without spending the money to have central air installed. In fact, there is! For many homeowners, the solution to this problem comes in the form of a portable evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ.... View Article
May 15, 2016 4:01 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
If an evaporative cooler, also called a swamp cooler, is used in your home, there are things you can do to make it work in your favor throughout the warm months. Check out these five ways to make evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ more effective: Get a dehumidifier: If you live in a humid area and you can feel the humidity inside your home, then you can benefit from using a dehumidifier. This device offers a more comfortable, healthy living space while staving off indoor mold and mildew growth. Know that humidity may cause your evaporative cooler to not function... View Article
May 1, 2016 4:00 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Depending on where you live, the standards of housing developments and personal preference, the cold air in your home may not actually be pumped in or created by a traditional air conditioner. Instead, your household could be benefiting from a type of cooling system called an evaporative cooler (also known as a swamp cooler), a giant box that either sits on your roof, attaches to the outside of a window or comes in as a portable unit to move around your home. Let’s take a look at some advantages of using a swamp cooler over central heating and cooling in... View Article
April 15, 2016 4:12 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative coolers could potentially replace your air conditioning, but only because some climates are better for them than others. Here in Phoenix, we have some of the most optimal conditions for the effective operation of these coolers. In some cases, the circumstances in our environment and weather make them more ideal and cost-effective than standard air conditioning. Here are four of these elements unique to this area that make evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ a good match: Dry air: Evaporative coolers work by bringing in outdoor air, blowing it over wet pads and returning it to the room or outdoor... View Article