Commercial Evaporative Coolers - Cooling Towers

Best Place to Buy an Evaporative Cooler (Based Upon Your Needs)

January 5, 2021 4:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you are looking for a way to cool your home, you need to take the time to evaluate all your options. Two of the most common options are evaporative cooling units and traditional air conditioners

Depending on the space in which you live or work, one might work better for you than the other. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn more about evaporative cooling units and understand how these options compare to traditional air conditioners. What are a few of the most important points to keep in mind?

Evaporative Cooling vs Air Conditioning, what is the Difference?

The two most common ways that people cool their homes involve evaporative cooling units and air conditioners. First, it is important to note that swamp coolers (evaporative cooling units) do not need an exhaust hose. Portable air conditioners do. Therefore, air conditioners have more moving parts, making it easier for them to break.

In addition, evaporative cooling units can be used outside. They make a great addition to patio heaters, allowing everyone to enjoy complete climate control throughout the year. Many people use evaporative cooling units by the pool as well. 

In addition, most people’s electricity bills will vary widely with how often they use their air conditioners. This is because traditional HVAC units draw a lot of electricity and use a lot of energy. In contrast, evaporative cooling units use far less electricity. 

This is a great way for homeowners and business owners to save money on their electricity bills. Furthermore, evaporative cooling units do not require any strange chemicals to operate, meaning they are more environmentally friendly.

Finally, it is challenging to move an air conditioner from place to place. Even portable units are going to be challenging to move. Because home cooling units are ventless, they are much easier to move from place to place. 

Where are the Most Common Places Evaporative Coolers are Sold?

For those who are looking for swamp cooling units, there are a few common places in which to look. Lots of people decide to look at traditional retailers when it comes to evaporative cooling units. While it is possible to find a good unit here, it is better to reach out to a specialist who understands how evaporative cooling units work. 

Because these units are not nearly as common as air conditioners, many people who would like to learn more about home cooling units are going to end up talking to someone at a retailer who might not know much about this option. That is why it is important to learn more about evaporative cooling units from trained specialists such as those at Premier Industries.

evaporative coolers

How Does a Premier Industries Swamp Cooler Compare?

For those who are looking for swamp cooling units, it is critical to think about the options from Premier Industries. Those who decide to go with an evaporative cooling unit from Premier Industries will enjoy:

  • Lower Utility Bills: The swamp cooling units from Premier Industries come with a high-efficiency, 12”, rigid cooling media, which means that users are going to get more bang for their buck.
  • Durability: The evaporative cooling units from Premier Industries are also incredibly durable, having been built with stainless steel.
  • Customization: There are numerous options for evaporative cooling units from Premier Industries. This means that everyone will be able to find a unit that has been tailored to meet their needs.
  • Longevity: All evaporative cooling units from Premier Industries come with a 10-year rust-through warranty. This is a sign of confidence in the units that people buy from Premier Industries.
  • Accessories: Finally, the swamp cooling units from Premier Industries also come with a wide range of accessories. 

Clearly, the home cooling units from Premier Industries compare favorably to swamp coolers that are sold in other locations. In addition to a wider range of options at Premier Industries, you will also have access to a staff that will work with you to help find the unit that best suits your needs. Furthermore, the professionals from Premier Industries will also work with you to install your unit as well!

3 Reasons to Buy from Premier Industries Over a Retailer

If you are looking for an evaporative cooling unit for your home or office, there are three reasons why you should choose a unit from Premier Industries. These include:

  • Personalization: When you decide to work with Premier Industries, you will have access to a team who is not only knowledgeable about the options but can also tailor these options to meet your needs.
  • Warranty: The units from Premier Industries are simply better. To prove it, there is a 10-year warranty for rust provided on swamp cooling units.
  • Installation: While you could buy from a retailer instead, this does not come with an installation service. Go with the comprehensive solutions from Premier Industries.

If you would like to learn more about evaporative cooling units, contact us at Premier Industries today!

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This post was written by Mike Nicolini

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