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Signs You Should Consider Replacing Your Evaporative Cooling Unit

November 1, 2019 2:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The new year is fast approaching, which means it’s a great time for you to take a look at some of the most important pieces of equipment and infrastructure you have in your home and determine if they need any service or upgrades performed. One item on your checklist should be your evaporative cooling units in Phoenix, AZ. If your inspection of the system reveals that it’s no longer operating as well or as efficiently as you might like, you might consider making it your new year’s resolution to get yourself a new system. Here are just a few signs... View Article

How Often Should I Replace My Evaporative Cooler Pads?

October 18, 2019 2:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The frequency with which you change out the evaporative cooler pads in your home or business depends on several issues, including the usage levels of the system and the water supply you have running to the unit. The quality of your water supply will affect the lifespan of the pad, so if you know you have low-quality water in your area, it’s generally a good idea to check the pad more frequently and determine whether or not you need to replace it yet. The brand of pad you’re using can also influence the frequency with which you’ll need to swap... View Article

How Does a Commercial or Industrial Evaporative Cooler Work?

October 3, 2019 1:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Industrial evaporative coolers are a great option in Phoenix, AZ. Evaporative or swamp coolers use water and fans to pull in dry, hot air and blow it across a moistened pad. As the water evaporates into the air, the air’s temperature lowers. It’s the same concept as getting out of the pool and feeling a breeze, but magnified by powerful fans. Businesses—especially large warehouses and workshops—love industrial evap coolers in Phoenix, AZ because they’re easy to use and can operate at half the cost of air conditioning. They also have the benefit of filtering outdoor air and raising the humidity,... View Article

Tips for Buying the Right Air Cooling System

September 19, 2019 1:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Keeping your home cool during the hot Arizona summer can be a frustrating and expensive problem, but it doesn’t have to be. Many home and business owners are turning to evaporative coolers (you might also know them as “swamp coolers”). At the most basic level, evaporative coolers use water, a pump and a fan to blow air across the surface of the water. This causes the water to evaporate into the air and bring the overall temperature down. When debating whether an evap cooler in Phoenix, AZ is right for your home or business, there are a few factors you... View Article

AC vs. Evaporative Water Coolers: How to Save Money

September 2, 2019 10:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you own an evaporative water cooler in Phoenix, AZ, you might be wondering how this type of cooling system works and why it tends to save people money when compared to traditional air conditioning systems. Here’s what you need to know. How it works Many homes in the United States have either a central air conditioning system or an evaporative cooling unit. The type of cooling system that’ll work best for your space depends on certain factors, including air temperature, water temperature, airflow and humidity, as well as the amount of already existing moisture in the air. Let’s say... View Article