November 15, 2016 9:59 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative cooling devices are not new things. In fact, they have been around for a long time, and remain a popular method of indoor cooling in many areas around the country. Evaporative coolers work best in climates that are hot and dry. It is for this reason that you must contact a local expert in the field who can tell you if you can benefit from an evaporative cooler where you live. Otherwise, it won’t be as efficient or effective as it could be, even if you set it up and attempt to use it properly. With that in mind,... View Article
October 1, 2016 7:13 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Are you contemplating purchasing evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ? First, let’s review what these pieces of equipment do. Then, since colder weather is on the horizon, we’ll offer tips on how to prepare your new evaporative cooler for winter. What is an evaporative cooler? An evaporative cooler is a piece of equipment that cools the air through the water evaporation process. Specifically, during the evaporative cooling process, which differs from traditional air conditioning systems that use a vapor-compression system, water vapor is added into the air, resulting in a lower air temperature. An evaporative cooling unit can be especially effective... View Article
September 15, 2016 6:06 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
You already know the amazing benefits of having evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ: the cost savings, the fresh air and the reduced environmental impact. But to make sure you are enjoying your evaporative cooler to the fullest, follow these tips for maximum cooling performance. Adjust for balanced airflow Evaporative coolers depend on balanced airflow. In other words, you need to make sure the amount of air pumped into your home and the amount flowing out are the same. To do this, you can either install ducts in each room of your house, or by simply opening the windows. If you... View Article
September 1, 2016 6:06 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
So you’ve decided to make the transition from traditional air conditioning to a portable evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ. Congratulations! You are on your way to saving money on your energy bill, and experiencing the comfort of fresh, cool air breezing through your home all summer long. But before you make an impulse purchase, make sure you understand your options and what your home needs before buying your evaporative cooler. Determine your home’s CFM Your home’s cubic feet per minute (CFM) rating measures how much air cycles through the house each minute. You can calculate your home’s CFM using this... View Article
August 1, 2016 3:53 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Even if a building has an air conditioner, there are times when the system may break down or have trouble cooling a large area on extremely hot or dry days. Sure, movable space fans are good at circulating air in a room, but cold air needs to be present to push around. When you need a backup cooler or a new primary source of cold air for your home or business, look to evaporative coolers to save the day. All kinds of establishments use evaporative coolers. Here’s a list of five places that can benefit from owning a portable evaporative... View Article