Air conditioner in an abandoned house

Can You Use a Swamp Cooler with an Air Conditioner?

August 7, 2024 4:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Air conditioning has become a necessity rather than a luxury in many parts of the world, particularly in areas that experience hot, dry conditions. In these regions, the soaring temperatures can turn homes and offices into veritable ovens, significantly impacting comfort and productivity. Many consumers gravitate towards conventional air conditioners to combat the heat. However, high energy consumption and a spike in electricity bills can be a cause for concern. This is where evaporative coolers, also known as swamp coolers, come into the picture. But can you use an evaporative swamp cooler with an air conditioner effectively?

Understanding Air Conditioners

How Air Conditioners Work

Air conditioners extract heat from the indoor environment and expel it outside. They achieve this through a closed-loop system consisting of a refrigerant, a compressor, evaporator coils, and condenser coils. When the refrigerant flows through the evaporator coils, it absorbs heat from the indoor air, causing the refrigerant to vaporize. The compressor then compresses the vaporized refrigerant, which increases its temperature even further before it passes through the condenser coils. The heat absorbed from the indoor air is released to the outside environment through the condenser coils, and the refrigerant returns to its liquid state. This cycle continues until the desired indoor temperature is achieved.

Pros and Cons

The primary advantage of air conditioners is their ability to provide consistent and reliable cooling, regardless of external weather conditions. They can also be combined with advanced features such as dehumidification, air purification, and programmable thermostats for enhanced indoor air quality and comfort.

However, air conditioners are notorious for their high energy consumption. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air conditioning accounts for about 6% of all the electricity produced in the United States, costing homeowners $29 billion annually. Additionally, traditional air conditioning units rely on refrigerants that contribute to ozone depletion and climate change.

Understanding Swamp Coolers

How Swamp Coolers Work

An evaporative cooler, commonly called a swamp cooler, operates on a fundamentally different principle known as adiabatic cooling. Instead of using refrigerants to transfer heat, swamp coolers leverage the natural process of water evaporation to cool the air. Here’s a brief rundown of the mechanics:

  • Air Intake: The swamp cooler draws in warm, dry air from the environment.
  • Evaporation: This air is passed through water-saturated pads or media. As the dry air passes over the wet surface, the water evaporates, absorbing heat from the air and thereby cooling it.
  • Air Distribution: The now-cooled, moist air is blown into the indoor space, reducing the room’s overall temperature.

Pros and Cons

Swamp coolers are particularly well-suited for hot, arid climates with low humidity. They offer several advantages:

  • Energy Efficiency: Evaporative coolers consume significantly less electricity than traditional air conditioners, often as much as 75% less energy.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Since swamp coolers do not use refrigerants, they have a lower environmental impact.
  • Added Humidity: The moisture added to the air by swamp coolers can provide relief in exceedingly dry conditions, improving comfort and benefiting indoor plants.

However, swamp coolers have limitations. They are less effective in humid conditions because the air’s moisture content affects the efficiency of the evaporative process. Therefore, during exceptionally humid periods, the cooling capability is markedly reduced. Additionally, the open windows required for consistent airflow can invite outdoor allergens into the indoor environment.

Can You Use a Swamp Cooler with an Air Conditioner?

Technical Feasibility

The idea of using a swamp cooler with an air conditioner simultaneously may seem appealing due to the potential for enhanced cooling and energy savings. However, this combination poses several technical challenges.

  • Opposing Principles: Air conditioners and swamp coolers operate on fundamentally different principles. Air conditioners work best in closed environments where humidity levels are controlled, while swamp coolers require ventilation to operate effectively. Running both simultaneously could result in counteractive effects, with the swamp cooler introducing humidity that the air conditioner is designed to remove.
  • Energy Efficiency: While swamp coolers are energy-efficient, the added load of running both systems simultaneously could negate any energy savings. The air conditioner would have to work harder to counteract the additional moisture introduced by the swamp cooler, thus consuming more electricity.
  • Comfort Levels: The added humidity from the swamp cooler could impact the comfort levels provided by the air conditioner, making the indoor environment feel muggy rather than cool and comfortable.

Sequential Use as a Strategy

One potential strategy for effectively using both systems is to employ them sequentially rather than simultaneously. For instance, you could run the swamp cooler during the day when temperatures are high, but humidity levels are low. As the evening approaches and outdoor temperatures drop, you can switch to the air conditioner to maintain a comfortable indoor environment without adding extra humidity.

  • Timing: Use the swamp cooler during specific times of the day when its performance will be most effective, typically during the hottest and driest parts of the day.
  • Switch Over: As the relative humidity increases, switch over to the air conditioner to maintain cooling without adding extra humidity to the indoor environment.

Making the Right Choice

Assess Your Needs

Before deciding to use a swamp cooler with an air conditioner, assessing your specific needs and constraints is crucial. Consider factors such as:

  • Climate: Evaluate the typical weather patterns in your area. Using both systems may be less effective if you live in a region with variable humidity levels.
  • Indoor Air Quality: Consider the impact of added humidity on indoor air quality and comfort levels.
  • Energy Consumption: Compare the energy consumption of using both systems sequentially versus relying on either system independently.

Consult with Experts

Given the technical complexities involved in using a swamp cooler with an air conditioner, consulting with HVAC professionals can provide invaluable insights. Reputable companies specialize in providing tailored evaporative cooling solutions and can offer expert advice on integrating, managing, and maintaining these systems effectively.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations


Proper installation of both systems is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency. When installing a swamp cooler, consider its placement for adequate air intake and distribution. For the air conditioner, ensure it is installed in a location that allows for effective heat expulsion and doesn’t interfere with the swamp cooler’s airflow.


Regular maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of both cooling systems and maintaining their efficiency. Swamp coolers require periodic cleaning and replacement of cooling pads, while air conditioners need regular checks on refrigerant levels, coil cleaning, and filter replacements.

Contact Us Today

Combining a swamp cooler with an air conditioner can be technically challenging and may not be suitable for all environments. The opposing operating principles and potential for increased energy consumption could outweigh the benefits. However, using them sequentially based on prevailing weather conditions can offer a balanced approach to achieving energy-efficient cooling without compromising indoor comfort.

Considering an evaporative cooling solution can significantly lower your energy consumption while maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. For expert guidance on the best cooling solutions tailored to your needs, consult Premier Industries, Inc. With over 35 years of experience specializing in evaporative coolers, we can help you navigate through your options and find the ideal cooling system for your home or business. Contact us today to learn more and get started on elevating your cooling strategy!

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