July 18, 2017 10:24 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ are central to your quality of life each and every day, year-round. During the dry, scorching summer months, you need your AC or swamp cooler to be functioning at its highest capacity; in winter, you expect your furnace or heat pump to keep you snug. When these systems fall short of expectations, maintaining and repairing them falls on the shoulders of your HVAC technician. Choosing a good HVAC professional to service the system of your home or business is critical because it directly affects how efficient these systems are. A poor level of service... View Article
July 5, 2017 10:46 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
In states with a dry, hot climate—like Arizona—evaporative coolers are the premier way to get relief when the temperature starts to climb. Even better than simply providing a cool feeling to your home, they also add moisture into the air to help prevent all of those secondary issues that come from dry heat, such as cracked skin or static shock. While many homes in Arizona have evaporative cooling systems, they’re not always designed or installed in a way that enables them to cool every room of the home equally effectively. Moreover, for people who live in condos or apartments, they... View Article
June 21, 2017 10:46 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Often—when it comes to HVAC-related upkeep—the simplest maintenance items are often the most important. This is perfectly evidenced by the task of changing evaporative cooler pads in Phoenix, AZ. This simple task can yield big results for the efficiency and effectiveness of your swamp cooler. Ultimately this means a higher level of comfort for you and better operation for the unit itself. What exactly makes changing swamp cooler pads so important, and what effects does the change bring with it? Take a look at three of the top reasons to replace your pads at regular intervals and what benefits you’ll... View Article
June 2, 2017 10:31 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
If you are considering purchasing an evaporative cooler, there is a lot you will need to examine to help you make your decision. What type of cooler you’ll buy and the cost are both important factors that will help you along the way, but how much maintenance your cooler will require is just as important to think about. Since you will probably be trying to make a decision soon, you’ll want to ensure you look at everything there is to know about evaporative coolers, including what maintaining it means for you. Here’s why people should consider maintenance when buying evaporative... View Article
May 19, 2017 10:30 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Comfort is something a lot of people seek. When they are at work, enjoying dinner at a restaurant or relaxing at home, it is important for them to be able to feel at ease. Getting comfortable may be difficult when you are in public, but when you are at home, it shouldn’t be a problem, unless there is something wrong with your heating and cooling. Here’s how problems with your heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ can affect your comfort: Noise: One of the many ways to tell if you are having problems with your heating and cooling is the... View Article