Categories for Evaporative Cooling

How Exactly Does Evaporative Cooling Work?

July 15, 2016 6:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Using Mother Nature to efficiently cool our homes may seem like a fantasy to some people. In actuality, basic scientific principles of evaporation have been cooling for thousands of years. “Windcatchers” were used by the ancient Egyptians and Persians to cool their homes by sucking in cool air in and expelling warm air from their homes. Today, an updated form of that technology is still widely popular in arid climates. Evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ basically cool your home just by harnessing Mother Nature’s technology. The first thing to know In the natural world, air moving over water causes it... View Article

FAQ: Getting to Know Your Portable Evaporative Cooler

July 1, 2016 6:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A portable evaporative cooler (a.k.a. swamp cooler) is a great way to beat the heat if you live in an arid climate, like we have here in Arizona. They’re way less expensive to operate, better for the environment, provide air inside that’s as clean as the air outside, and are super quiet. What’s not to love? Some people may be hesitant to buy a portable evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ because they don’t know much about them. Let’s answer a few questions! What size cooler should I buy? It’s common to question what size product you should buy, especially with... View Article

10 Reasons to Consider Evaporative Coolers

June 15, 2016 2:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If this is the year you’re finally going to have to undertake an AC replacement for your home, take a moment to consider your options before just picking something out of a catalog lineup. More specifically, consider evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ instead of just replacing your broken down AC unit with another one like it. What makes evaporative cooling an option that you should consider? Take a look at ten factors that are starting to make more people switch over to this cooling method when it comes time to make a meaningful upgrade to their home: Economical: The overall... View Article

The Benefits of a Portable Evaporative Cooler

June 1, 2016 2:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re living in a home that doesn’t have central air, there’s a good chance you’re spending a lot of time in whichever room has the window-mounted AC unit during the hot and humid summer months. But being confined to the rooms of your home with window coolers is no way to live! There has to be a better way to enjoy cooler temperatures in your home, without spending the money to have central air installed. In fact, there is! For many homeowners, the solution to this problem comes in the form of a portable evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ.... View Article

Evaporative Coolers: A Perfect Solution for Your Cooling Needs

April 15, 2016 4:12 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Evaporative coolers could potentially replace your air conditioning, but only because some climates are better for them than others. Here in Phoenix, we have some of the most optimal conditions for the effective operation of these coolers. In some cases, the circumstances in our environment and weather make them more ideal and cost-effective than standard air conditioning. Here are four of these elements unique to this area that make evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ a good match: Dry air: Evaporative coolers work by bringing in outdoor air, blowing it over wet pads and returning it to the room or outdoor... View Article