Categories for Coolers

Evaporative air cooler on the roof

How to Choose the Right Evaporative Cooler for Your Home

February 14, 2023 11:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It may get very hot in your home. As such, you have to decide what option works best for you. While you could choose an HVAC system, it isn’t always the most cost-effective solution. Evaporative coolers can be both affordable and easy to implement. With so many evaporative coolers on the market, you must find one right for your home. Why a Swamp Cooler Makes Sense for Your Home Swamp coolers can cool your home down considerably. Depending on the level of humidity as well as the outside temperatures, you could experience a 20 or 30-degree difference.   The way... View Article


Is It Expensive to Run Evaporative Cooling?

January 12, 2023 6:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Being able to cool your home is of the utmost importance. Often, it comes at a cost. It seems that spending a fortune on your energy bill is the only way to have a cool home during the hot summer months. The reality is that there’s a difference in costs when it comes to using traditional HVAC systems and implementing the evaporative cooling process. An evaporative cooler price is going to be dramatically lower than running AC. When you’re looking for a cost-effective way to stay cool, it pays to know how evaporative cooling works and what the costs will... View Article

Type of an evaporative cooler

What Size Evaporative Cooler Do I Need?

January 21, 2022 4:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Evaporative coolers are capable of cooling off homes, businesses, and large industrial spaces. Learning how they work and how to choose an evaporative cooler makes it easier to answer an important question: How Evaporative Coolers Work Evaporative coolers work using the evaporation process. Outdoor air moves over water-saturated pads. As the water in the pads evaporates, it can reduce the temperature in the air by as much as 30 degrees. In order for evaporative coolers to work effectively, there are two important things to note. The first is that it’s an open-circuit system, which means that doors and/or windows should... View Article

Diagram of how Evaporative Coolers Move Air

8 Swamp Cooling Tips to Help You Stay Cool

January 19, 2021 10:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A swamp cooler is much different than the traditional air conditioner for cooling homes. One of the most important differences is that it utilizes evaporative cooling techniques that operate best in dry climates rather than the type of cooling used by air conditioners that work best in areas where humidity is higher. These facts and tips will help you maximize the cooling power of a swamp cooler for more efficient home cooling. Does Seasonality Affect Swamp Cooling? Absolutely! For light cooling, or just to move cooler air throughout your home, fans will work best. It is only once temperatures reach... View Article

How to Tell When Evaporative Coolers Need to Be Repaired

March 4, 2019 10:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Like many Americans, your home or place of business might have an evaporative cooler. When used properly, an evaporative cooler (or swamp cooler) is an efficient alternative to air conditioner systems. Instead of using refrigerant to cool the indoor air, this type of cooling system works by evaporating water. Any evaporative cooler technician will tell you that these systems are highly energy-efficient, especially for folks living in dry climates. And as a bonus, evaporative coolers do a fantastic job at humidifying the air. Take care of your cooling system and it will take care of you! How can you tell... View Article