Categories for Commercial Evaporative Cooler

How Industrial Evaporative Coolers Save Money and Energy in Hot Climates

How Industrial Evaporative Coolers Save Money and Energy in Hot Climates

March 16, 2025 2:18 pm Published by

  Understanding the Science Behind Evaporative Cooling Evaporative cooling is a highly efficient and cost-effective method for cooling industrial and commercial spaces in hot and dry climates. Unlike traditional refrigeration-based air conditioning systems, which rely on compressors and chemical refrigerants, evaporative coolers leverage the natural cooling effect of water evaporation to reduce ambient temperatures. When air passes through high-efficiency cooling media saturated with water, the heat in the air causes the water to evaporate, lowering the air temperature. The cooled air is then circulated throughout the facility, providing a comfortable indoor environment while consuming significantly less energy than conventional HVAC... View Article

Evaporative Cooling

Benefits of Commercial Evaporative Air Cooler

September 24, 2024 7:17 pm Published by

If you live in an area that experiences hot, dry conditions, your space can quickly become uncomfortable during the summer months. Such conditions can also affect your daily productivity in the long run. Many people who live in such areas choose to buy and install air conditioners. However, if this cooling equipment is causing a significant rise in your energy bills, you may want to consider an alternative. A commercial evaporative air cooler provides a more energy-efficient manner of cooling air temperatures. Once you opt for this type of cooling system, you should consider working with a reliable evaporative cooling... View Article

What Is The Ideal Temperature for a Warehouse Swamp Cooler?

The Benefits of Evaporative Coolers

February 14, 2023 4:56 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Between hot temperatures and high energy bills, finding a solution that will cool your home or business quickly and efficiently is essential. Evaporative coolers have been gaining in popularity because of their many benefits. Premier Industries has a wide array of evaporative coolers, ensuring the right one for everyone. As for the benefits, we’ve got eight that you should know about. Cost Effective The cost of a cooling system should be a top concern – and when you compare HVAC systems to evaporative coolers, there’s a clear winner when looking at the cost. Evaporative coolers are more affordable, cheaper to... View Article

What Swamp Cooler Temp Should a Restaurant Kitchen Have?

How to Cool a Commercial Kitchen

March 31, 2022 8:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Keeping a commercial kitchen cool is critical. With so many appliances generating heat, you need a way to maintain a comfortable temperature. It’s a good idea to have more than one cooling system in place since you will be generating heat, steam, and even grease throughout the day. What Temperatures Should a Commercial Kitchen Be? Regardless of the food you are cooking in a commercial kitchen, you need to make sure that you maintain a temperature that is comfortable for everyone. If the kitchen gets too hot, you run the risk of employees’ body temperatures rising – and that can... View Article

commercial-evaporative cooler

How Does an Evaporative Air Conditioner Work?

December 1, 2021 10:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

An evaporative cooler works differently than traditional air conditioning systems with ductwork. Commonly called a swamp cooler, these coolers work by embracing the process of evaporation. The Process of Evaporation Evaporative coolers use the process of evaporation to create cool air that increases the level of humidity in the air. There are a few important components of this cooler: Fan Thick pad Water reservoir The fan is responsible for drawing the dry, hot air into the machine and across the thick pads that are soaked with water. As the pads absorb the water from the reservoir, they are ready for... View Article