March 19, 2019 12:20 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative cooling is one of the most popular ways to stay comfortable in Arizona. The high heat and low humidity of the region are perfect for evaporative cooling—which uses moisture to deliver both humidity and cool temperatures to a living space. And, because of the year-round consistency of the American Southwest’s climate, it means you can rely on your evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ almost 365 days a year! There is one big problem for evaporative cooling, however: monsoon season starts in June and lasts through September. And, when conditions are right, evaporative coolers are rendered far less efficient. Homeowners... View Article
March 4, 2019 10:38 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Like many Americans, your home or place of business might have an evaporative cooler. When used properly, an evaporative cooler (or swamp cooler) is an efficient alternative to air conditioner systems. Instead of using refrigerant to cool the indoor air, this type of cooling system works by evaporating water. Any evaporative cooler technician will tell you that these systems are highly energy-efficient, especially for folks living in dry climates. And as a bonus, evaporative coolers do a fantastic job at humidifying the air. Take care of your cooling system and it will take care of you! How can you tell... View Article
February 18, 2019 10:38 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
If you are interested in installing an evaporative cooler in your commercial building, your first step should be talking to an expert in the industry. A professional will know what model is best for your needs and your building size, and they can install it and show you how to use it properly. Because the system runs constantly, another important step is maintenance. Commercial evaporative cooling systems require specific service checks for a few reasons: to help keep parts up to date, to ensure the system is functioning correctly and, in some cases, to maintain the warranty. So, just how... View Article
January 31, 2019 10:45 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative coolers are highly popular cooling solutions in commercial and residential properties alike. These are appliances that have porous surfaces that allow air to pass through the unit. A fan inside pulls outside air through the system and into the house. To cool the air, these porous sides have pads of water-absorbing materials. Water is also stored in a pan at the bottom of the cooler, and a pump takes that water up to each side, where the pads are located. The air passes through the damp pads, which cools down the air and humidifies it slightly before it enters... View Article
January 17, 2019 10:45 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative coolers are often the most cost-effective method for cooling a building in a dry climate like Arizona. In fact, some estimates indicate an evaporative cooler will use about 10 to 30 percent of the energy that a standard air conditioner uses in its cooling processes. You’ll see these pieces of equipment all throughout the state. If you’re the owner of a commercial evaporative cooler in Maricopa County, AZ, it’s important that you know exactly what types of maintenance practices you need to stay on top of. Here are some tips from our team of professionals to help you keep... View Article