June 2, 2017 10:31 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
If you are considering purchasing an evaporative cooler, there is a lot you will need to examine to help you make your decision. What type of cooler you’ll buy and the cost are both important factors that will help you along the way, but how much maintenance your cooler will require is just as important to think about. Since you will probably be trying to make a decision soon, you’ll want to ensure you look at everything there is to know about evaporative coolers, including what maintaining it means for you. Here’s why people should consider maintenance when buying evaporative... View Article
May 19, 2017 10:30 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Comfort is something a lot of people seek. When they are at work, enjoying dinner at a restaurant or relaxing at home, it is important for them to be able to feel at ease. Getting comfortable may be difficult when you are in public, but when you are at home, it shouldn’t be a problem, unless there is something wrong with your heating and cooling. Here’s how problems with your heating and cooling in Phoenix, AZ can affect your comfort: Noise: One of the many ways to tell if you are having problems with your heating and cooling is the... View Article
May 3, 2017 9:48 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
Evaporative coolers are the more eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for cooling your home, but they are not new technology. Forms of evaporative coolers have been around since the time of the pharaohs. Egyptian pharaohs used to have slaves cool them by moving their fans over basins of cool water, or by soaking wool cloths in cool water and using them as fans. Although evaporative coolers may seem like innovative technology, they’re really only a modern way of making use of ancient practices. If you’re thinking of installing an evaporative cooler for your home or business, or you require new or... View Article
April 19, 2017 9:48 pm
Published by Mike Nicolini
The thermostat outside reads an even 90 degrees, but you and your family don’t notice because you’ve been comfortably locked away indoors with your air conditioner running full blast for several days now. But suddenly, without warning, your unit stops. As your home gradually gets hotter, you call in the experts, but you soon learn that your heating and cooling unit needs some pretty expensive repairs and, what’s worse, repairs that could have been easily avoided. The heating and cooling system is one of those things inside our homes that we don’t really think too much about until it’s not... View Article
April 5, 2017 1:32 am
Published by Mike Nicolini
When the temperatures outside begin to rise, you can bet that it’s about to get toasty inside—that is, unless you prep your cooling system ahead of time for hot weather use. If your business building’s evaporative cooler is a rooftop unit or other exterior unit, then it’s very important that you take the proper steps to ensure it holds strong and to keep problems at bay all spring and summer long. But more than anything else, you want to create a cool and comfortable space for your workforce and customers. Here’s how to get your commercial evaporative cooler parts in... View Article