Author Archives for Mike Nicolini

What to Look for When Buying Coolers for Your Home

February 23, 2017 12:55 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you are looking to cool your home in a more efficient way, evaporative coolers in Phoenix, AZ may be just what you are looking for. The way an evaporative cooler works is by drawing the outside air over water-saturated pads to push moisture into the air. This moisture dissipates quickly and allows the air to cool, cooling your home in the process. As you look to add a cooler to your home, here are some things you need to consider before you make a purchase. Size: First, you need to consider the size of the area you’re trying to... View Article

Maintenance Tips for Evaporative Coolers

February 1, 2017 3:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the years, many people have turned to evaporative coolers when they are looking for a more affordable, efficient way to keep their homes cool. During the warmer months, it is important for people to stay cool and comfortable, so they may be using their cooler every day. Since daily use occurs, it is necessary for the unit to be running efficiently at all times, which can require some regular maintenance to accomplish. Homeowners with swamp coolers in Phoenix, AZ should take note of the many things they can do if they want to properly maintain their units: Check water... View Article

The Importance of Efficient Heating and Cooling in Phoenix, AZ

January 18, 2017 3:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you think about it, there is a lot of energy being used in your home for various things on a daily basis. You watch TV, cook and even complete a few cleaning tasks, like running the dishwasher, that use energy. Whether you are trying to keep warm or cool down, you depend on your heating and cooling system to get the job done, which also uses energy. Sure, your system seems to be working fine, but if it is not running efficiently, this is a problem. If you have been wondering why efficiency is important when it comes to... View Article

The Environmental Benefits of a Portable Evaporative Cooler

January 5, 2017 3:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Adding a portable evaporative cooler to your home or business can provide you with significant cooling capabilities during warm weather. Its minimal use of electricity and the elimination of chemicals provide a series of environmental benefits that can make it a wise choice for your cooling needs. Eliminate harsh and dangerous chemicals A portable evaporative cooler in Phoenix, AZ operates using evaporative cooler pads to absorb water and push that cooled water into the air. As the water evaporates it creates a cooling effect that helps to lower the temperature in your home or business. Because a portable evaporative cooler... View Article

Is It Time to Replace Your Evaporative Cooler Pads?

December 22, 2016 3:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Making sure your evaporative cooler pads in Phoenix, AZ are changed frequently is the most effective way to ensure your swamp cooler operates efficiently. As these pads get filled up with deposits, they can degrade the operation of your swamp cooler and result in reduced cooling capacity. Checking for buildup When you have new evaporative cooler pads in Phoenix, AZ in your swamp cooler, they are able to absorb the most amount of water and provide the greatest amount of cooling for you. When water isn’t able to fully absorb into the pads because of mineral deposits from calcium and... View Article